Vitamin C: Benefits, Health, and Tips
Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamin C: Benefits, Health, and Tips

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Light, refreshing, and citrus-y goodness might come to mind when you first think of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is commonly found in citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit, and our bodies need it every day. Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is the most famous vitamin of them all. People associate Vitamin C with the immune system, but ascorbic acid actually supports a much wider range of function in our bodies, from helping our body to heal wounds to being an important building block for collagen, and more.¹ Keep reading to learn all about Vitamin C.

What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient that’s an essential part of many processes that help us stay alive and healthy. Vitamin C is an amazing multi-tasker: it is an antioxidant, and it is used by many systems in the body, especially the immune system and the body’s natural healing processes.² ³

Here’s the catch: water-soluble vitamins like Vitamin C are not stored in the body, and our bodies do not make Vitamin C.² That’s why we need to consciously eat a healthy, nutrient-dense diet, so we can supply our bodies with needed the Vitamin C. When our diets fall short, dietary supplements like VÖOST Vitamin C can help close the vitamin gap.

Benefits of Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps almost every body system run on a day-to-day basis— it promotes collagen formation, supports iron absorption, and helps maintain healthy immune function, just to name a few.³

  • Promotes a healthy immune system.

Vitamin C’s most famous role is supporting the immune system. Many studies have shown that Vitamin C is essential for the immune system’s healthy function. Vitamin C affects both the adaptive and innate immune systems by working to support the body’s external and internal defense systems.⁴

  • Supports collagen formation.

Vitamin C is a building block for producing collagen, an important protein needed for connective tissue. Collagen is used throughout the body as a kind of scaffolding for the many tissues, and is the most abundant protein in the body, making up about 60% of all cartilage.⁵

  • Has antioxidant effects.

Vitamin C is also an effective antioxidant. Antioxidants protect your cells from free radicals, molecules that are produced when the body metabolizes food and is exposed to certain environments.¹

  • Helps the body absorb iron.

Vitamin C supports iron absorption when consumed with iron-rich foods. and it is particularly useful in absorbing iron from plant sources.¹ We all know that iron has many important roles, one of the most important being helping to deliver oxygen from the lungs to the body.⁶

Vitamin C Deficiency

The most well-known issue caused by Vitamin C deficiency is scurvy. Scurvy is a serious disease historically suffered by sailors on long voyages who had no access to foods with ascorbic acid. In the 1700s, limes and lemons became the standard preventative and treatment for scurvy, although a lack of ascorbic acid wasn’t established as the direct cause of scurvy until its structure was identified in the late 1920s.⁷

Dangerous levels of Vitamin C deficiency are almost unknown in the modern world.¹ But it’s not uncommon that we’re not getting enough to help the body run at its peak. That’s why it’s so important to incorporate Vitamin C into your diet, whether that’s through food or vitamin supplements like VÖOST.

What Happens If I Don’t Get Enough Vitamin C?

Vitamin C plays a major part in the body’s ability to regenerate and renew healthy tissues. It also works as an antioxidant, keeping cells healthy and working in peak condition. When we don’t get enough Vitamin C, many essential chemical processes that are part of tissue regeneration slow, and the immune system slows down. Some tissues, like your skin and gums, regenerate new tissue constantly. Getting enough Vitamin C in your diet is important for maintaining healthy skin and gums.¹ ⁷

Getting all the benefits of vitamin C requires us to get a continuous supply of it, either in our food or through vitamin supplements. A healthy Vitamin C intake for adults is about 90 mg per day according to the FDA.⁸

How much Vitamin C a person needs may also be affected by their overall health and lifestyle.

VÖOST Supplements with Vitamin C

VÖOST Vitamin C effervescent vitamin tablets are an effizzing amazing way to get Vitamin C to support immune function* and are also supercharged with Zinc and electrolytes.* Dropping just one tablet into the water you’re already drinking turns it into a delicious blood orange flavored pick-me-up that is packed with invigorating nutrients that help you perform at your peak without any extra calories or sugar.

VÖOST Vitamin C effervescent vitamin tablets have 1,000mg of Vitamin C to support immune function* plus Zinc and electrolytes.

If you prefer your vitamins in gummy form— VÖOST Immunity Gummies have 150mg of Vitamin C per serving, and VÖOST Men’s and Women’s Multivitamin Gummies both have 90mg of Vitamin C per serving.

How to Get More Vitamin C in Your Diet

Citrus fruits, like oranges and grapefruit, have lots of vitamin C. When it comes to vitamin C, fresh foods usually have higher amounts of vitamin C. Once food is harvested, levels of vitamin C drop the longer food is stored. Cooking, steaming, and microwaving also reduces vitamin C levels in food.¹

You can increase your vitamin C consumption by adding healthy snacks and supplements like VÖOST Vitamin C to your routine.

5 Quick Vitamin C Loaded Snacks

1. Mixed berries with yogurt.

Raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries are all full of vitamin C. Adding a little creamy yogurt to a bowl of berries tops off a surprisingly tasty and easy-to-make snack.

2. Citrus slices.

Oranges, lemons, and limes all live up to the hype of being vitamin C superfoods. Oranges make a refreshing snack on their own, while lime and lemon are a flavor-packed punch of Vitamin C when you squeeze out their juices onto your favorite meals and side dishes.

3. Raw vegetables.

Red, yellow, and green pepper slices, broccoli, and cauliflower served raw contain lots of fiber and vitamin C. Peppers make a great addition to any salad or stir fry, while broccoli and cauliflower are yummy, crunchy side dishes to any meal.

4. Kiwi fruit.

A single kiwi fruit has 62 percent of your daily allowance of vitamin C. Slice it thinly for a delicious, light snack.

5. Sliced tropical fruits, like guavas, mangos, and papaya.

A refreshing tropical snack, guavas have plentiful vitamin C. A single guava has 125 mg of vitamin C, while mangos and papayas are also sources of vitamin C.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,

  1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Office of dietary supplements - vitamin C. NIH Office of Dietary Supplements. Retrieved January 31, 2022, from

  2. A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): Ebix, Inc., A.D.A.M.; c1997-2022. Vitamin C; [updated 2022 Feb 18; reviewed 2021 Mar 11; cited 2022 Mar 22]. Available from:

  3. Vitamin-C. The Nutrition Source. [Updated Mar 2020]. Retrieved March 20, 2022, from:

  4. Carr, A. C., & Maggini, S. (2017). Vitamin C and Immune Function. Nutrients, 9(11), 1211.

  5. Collagen. The Nutrition Source. [Updated May 2021]. Retrieved September 21, 2021, from

  6. Iron. The Nutrition Source. Retrieved March 20, 2022, from

  7. Maxfield L, Crane JS. Vitamin C Deficiency. [Updated 2021 Jul 18]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:

  8. FDA Daily Values: National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements. Daily Values. Available at:

  9. USDA, Agricultural Research Service, 2021. Total Usual Nutrient Intake from Food, Beverages, and Dietary Supplements, by Gender and Age, What We Eat in America, NHANES 2015-2018 Available

  10. USDA, Food Data Central, 2022. Accessed March 29, 2022.